
The steps of how to always be happy 
You may be one of the people who always tells us how to be happy and happy Do you know that embracing loved ones is one of the joys of the world forever? Why should we not suppress and destroy our emotions? In this article you can find all the answers to your questions.




Follow these steps to be happy:

  • Ask yourself a question

Ask yourself what makes me sad and why I get upset when

Find out the cause of your discomfort then you have to find the cause of your discomfort and no doubt

If you know the causes of your discomfort, you can get rid of them.

There are many causes of discomfort and you may not be aware of it, but be sure

One day these reasons and problems will hit you.

  • Think about your successes

Imagine how happy you would be if you were to achieve great success

Be your own hero and you can save people and become famous

It's always fun to be hopeful and not show your inner strength to anyone

That person may be the cause of your discomfort, everyone will talk to you too.

There are groups of people you talk to. Talking to yourself does not mean insanity, but rather

It means shame and power. Be sure those who say you are talking to yourself

Woman you must be crazy not those people themselves are crazy, so never anything

Don't say you're talking to yourself and you're crazy, but they are the most successful people in the world.




 happy life

  • Travel in the nature and stroll in the sunset

Go out near the sunset several times a week and stroll in the nature and enjoy the beautiful sunset.

See, then you feel so happy that you explode with joy, into the future

Think successful and think only positive.

Never go out in the nature at night because it gives you an unpleasant feeling unless

Look at the sky that has beautiful stars.

Sometimes you go on a bike ride to the mountains or to nature because the baby is alive inside and you feel great.


  • Liven the baby inside

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Take a bike ride in the streets every once in a while and look for the sunset to

Feel the joy in your veins.

Always keep your baby inside alive so that no sadness will affect you by running

Go up the mountain and listen to sedentary songs or motivational words rather than songs

Lover and . that makes me more sad.



  • Praying and praying
  • مسلمان

Anyone who is a believer and has little faith will calm down by worshiping Allah Almighty

And be happy whoever is close to Allah will always be happy.

The religion of Islam calms all the scholars of the world, so I suggest that

You also pray and pray after prayer to calm your heart.

Always pray to Allah and pray for your success to calm your heart.


Every praying believer is at ease and always happy to read all five prayers.




Source: Akoramob site

the writer: mobin mohammadi 


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